Category: Student Stress Management

Student Burnout | How Academic Pressure Causes High-Level Anxiety

Parents Beware: “If You Are Not Ahead, You Are Behind” Is Not a Good Mental Health Strategy

When it comes to high school, nowadays, students struggle to cope with their daily schedule. Recently, I had a parent orientation meeting at the start of a new school term. One of my student’s parents shares that her kid has fallen behind on other assigned projects due to her pending physics assignments. Although she has given up her summer holidays to finish the pending class tasks, she still lagged behind. All this havoc in her academic life made her less engaged with family and friends. She is not getting her timely sleep and even having anxiety attacks over small matters. However, her parents are still adamant that if they set her up extra home tuitions for physics in the evening, she might be able to compete with the class flow. Unfortunately, this kind of situation is becoming more and more common nowadays, and students feel less motivated than usual and more exhausted and irritable due to academic burnout. Continue reading “Student Burnout | How Academic Pressure Causes High-Level Anxiety”

Self-Disgust And Borderline Personality Disorder Among Teens

New Research Highlights Self-Dissatisfaction in Adolescents as A Possible Precursor To BPD

This article is a bit longer than I usually write and share as it contains recent research and its findings. Recently I engaged in a discussion with one of my previous students who is in her second year and doing her graduation in medicine. She shared her career goals with me, and it seems she is doing great. But then her mood suddenly changed. She always shared her aspirations and anxiety with me during her school days as a student. It seems she wanted to share something with me as she keeps expressing dissatisfaction with whatever she is doing. ‘I don’t like how I am or how my life is going…. It’s not what I expect…nobody understands me…… I messed up my life……in fact, I have no life.’ I patiently listened to what she wanted to share. We engaged in a conversation in which I tried to calm her down. After a while, she seemed relaxed, as if she was waiting to empty her heart out to someone. After this meetup, I wonder why a person develops self-dissatisfaction and how it impacts their lives? Continue reading “Self-Disgust And Borderline Personality Disorder Among Teens”

How Does Listening Music Benefit Your Classroom and Student Engagement?

Chill Realms – The Latest Addition to My Readables That Helps Teachers to Boost Student Engagement and Participation During the Lessons

One of the post-covid effects on students these days is that they become too busy in their daily hybrid learning schedules that they hardly get any time to relax or even do something that reduces their exam anxiety. Studies suggest that to minimise stress during studies, one needs to engage in an activity that helps concentrate on their task and listening to music is one such activity. Researchers believe that exposure to music can improve classroom learning and increase a positive classroom atmosphere. I realised the importance of listening to music during my extended summer vacation. Continue reading “How Does Listening Music Benefit Your Classroom and Student Engagement?”

The Addiction of Seeking Validation on Social Media

Social Media Is Fun and Exciting as It Connects Us with Our Families and Friends Especially in Pandemic. But It Becomes Stressful When We Start Craving for more Likes and Shares.

Last week I was reading an article on ‘selfie syndrome’. It discusses why adolescents engage in behaviour where they seek validation on social media. This article reminds me of a recent talk I had with a parent where she worryingly shares about her kid’s routine and his ‘over-involvement with Instagram and Facebook. She revealed that her kid is so ‘addicted’ to these social media platforms that he shared his whole routine via posts and selfies. The parent was frustrated and wanted a working solution to this problem. But I was wondering what makes that teenager to engaged that intensely with social media platforms? Continue reading “The Addiction of Seeking Validation on Social Media”

Why Is Discontentment on The Rise Among Teens?

Researchers Believe That Due to Covid Closures Teenagers are Suffering More Than Ever from Mood Disorders Such as Depression, Schizophrenia, or obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) And Even, In Some Cases, Become Suicidal.

One of my previous batch students recently approached me and shared that he wanted to end his life as he does not see any worth. Upon asking, he said his parents always fight with each other, even on a simple matter which can be resolve through dialogue. When he intervenes, his father accused him of being underage to understand such home matters and sometimes, he even takes out his rage by beating him along with his mother. Due to such circumstances, his academic performance is close to nothing, and he might even fail his finals as well. He approaches me just to inform me that there is no point to continue living this life. Because according to him, his parents had seen him as a problem solver or a responsible adult, which he thinks he is not. After hearing all his concerns, I consult him for at least an hour and let him decide whether these issues are resolvable or simply it’s a dead end. Luckily, he starts accepting things and I forward him to certain institutions that are professional in dealing with such situations. After a day and a half, it becomes clear that his father’s revolting behaviour was due to their financial constraints as he recently lost his job. Continue reading “Why Is Discontentment on The Rise Among Teens?”