Music Therapy: Does Listening Music Helps You Study?

Music Therapy: Does Listening Music Helps You Study?

Students, these days, are too engaged in their daily study schedules that they hardly get any time to relax or even do something that reduces their exam or test anxiety. Studies suggest that to minimise stress during studies, one needs to engage in an activity that helps concentrate on their task. One such activity is listening to music during studying. For decades, music played a substantial role in students’ study life. Researches revealed a relatively ambiguous picture of listening to study music. However, these researches provide a useful understanding for students who may be looking for ways to enhance their exam performance by listening to music.

One of the most significant theories is the ‘Mozart effect, the common idea that listening to Mozart makes you cleverer. The research itself was interested in the relationship between Mozart and ‘spatial-temporal reasoning. The idea that music, mainly classical, may improve good exam results has borne, with websites such as selling music designed to ‘charge the brain.’ However, the research conducted by MediaViolence has shown that to perform any task, one needs to involve memory and concentration, which is possible only in a ‘silent environment.’ It seems legit, as some of my students prefer a quiet and undisturbed environment while studying or reading. There are many other factors where students choose a quiet environment; many also can listen to music. For example, studying in a place is often disturbed by gabbers, sneezes, or rush-hour traffic sounds. Therefore, if you’re looking to avoid being distracted by any ambient sounds, you may need to take along an iPod and a set of headphones during a study in that environment.

One study suggests that students’ personalities and sound choices are essential factors in deciding whether listening to music will make any difference in student exam results. Generally, pupils preferred listening to classical music while studying. However, there is no conclusive research available to back this up. What has been verified is that listening to music with a persistent state, a steady repetitive pulse, and a not-too-loud genre can become a better option for concentration than inconsistent musical styles. In short, you may need to avoid listening to anything labelled ‘Mathcore’ when trying to be productive.

On the whole, Students, start listening to some calm and classical theme or instrumental with little volume if you are experiencing anxiety during your studies or exams. You may prefer to hear music just to relax or take a break from your study. Either way will create a conducive environment for you to complete your task.

Good luck! 😊


3 thoughts on “Music Therapy: Does Listening Music Helps You Study?

  1. My son is getting ready for some big tests that he has to take at school, and he is struggling to study. He loves to listen to music throughout the day, so hopefully, that can help him study. He loves to listen to rock music, so maybe he can get that to work for him instead of the classical and instrumental music that you suggested.

    1. It is absolutely right to have a choice of music while you study or read. I think music affects differently to people like I listen poetic music while i read book and it works in my case rather than instrumental. moreover, if you want your child to be more focused, let him eat chocolate while he study. Research shows chocolate helps us concentrate more and boost our memory.

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