Tag: Human behavior

Why Do We Need to Teach Empathy in Our Classrooms?

How Teaching Compassion to Students Helps Them to Tackle Future Challenges and Adapt to New Situations in Life?

As a teacher, we usually encounter multiple forms of students’ behaviour in the classroom. One of the behaviours which I believe every teacher should relate where students support each other. When asking ‘why you are not participating in the classroom or what puzzling you, buddy?’ was answered by someone else, ‘Sir, she is not feeling well.’ It is interesting to see how students make themselves aware of the situation that might have shaken their classmates’ spirits. The term that relates to such behaviour can be ‘Empathy’ which means ‘the ability to understand and share the feelings.’ But how can someone genuinely understand how someone else is feeling? Are some people born with this innate ability, or is it a skill that should be learned in the classroom? Continue reading “Why Do We Need to Teach Empathy in Our Classrooms?”

Adolescence and the Loss of a Close Friend

This article/reflection is a little bit different than the ones which I usually write on this blog. This article is based on actual events that occurred recently and the discussions I had with some of the people related to these events. To maintain privacy, the identities of people and places will not be mention in the article

How differently it felt when you lost someone beloved or even someone whom you just met for a while? I believe many will say that it depends upon the amount of time spending and engaging with each other. However, sometimes a person whom you meet in a while would have left an everlasting impact on you than people whom you know since ages. Most of us wish they could be so lucky to finds a best friend at least once in our lifetime. But the question is why a great gift when it occurs, becomes a significant pain when it is lost?

Last year, one of my students shared that she lost her best friend in a car crash, and she was devastated about that. She considers her as a family even they know each other for a couple of years only. I simply counsel her and start giving advice like don’t avoid the pain, remember you aren’t alone, remember all your great memories etc. When she left, I felt relax that somehow my words might ease her pain until recently when I felt the same pain. Whether it’s a friend, a sibling or even someone you just sort of know, the loss of their life can make you feel like you have an enormous hole inside yourself. Continue reading “Adolescence and the Loss of a Close Friend”

Why Do We Feel Nostalgia? The Longing for The Memorable time or An Unpleasant Memory from the Past

Why Do We Feel Nostalgia? The Longing for The Memorable time or An Unpleasant Memory from the Past
By Ahmad Amirali

Today, after a long time, I visited a bookshop, and there I met an old couple who kept talking about how new technology provides new pathways of reading to our new generation. They kept referring their old times when there were no computers and internet, no iPad or Fire tablets but there was a reader’s club in every school and even in offices etc. Somehow their conversation interests me, and I invited myself in. It was nice to see the transition from the old to a new generation and how we all get connected on a certain topic. They share how they both met in a library, and their common urge of reading made a strong knot between them, which is still tied for fifty years. After a healthy discussion, we all walk outside the shop, and they left with a friendly and cheerful look on their face. The impression was likewise for me as well. However, I went back to the shop, and I start thinking about what makes them complain about the present? Why do they feel so nostalgic about their past? Why did they feel nostalgia? Continue reading “Why Do We Feel Nostalgia? The Longing for The Memorable time or An Unpleasant Memory from the Past”

When You should Share Your Secrets? and Why

When You Should Share Your Secrets? and Why
By Ahmad Amirali

Have you ever wondered why sometimes you want an urge to share your griefs, sorrows and the deepest dark thoughts with another human being? Whether students or teachers like me, we all share our secrets to a person we assume that our secret will not be revealed to anyone else. In that way, people have experienced the relief of getting something off their chest by sharing personal information. Relieving the stress of hiding painful, emotionally stressful information by sharing it with a trusted confidant can be intense, freeing, and liberating.  However, much depends on the subject matter of the secret you share, including your often justifiable unwillingness to share it. Continue reading “When You should Share Your Secrets? and Why”

Why Do We Fear Change? Reasons and Remedies

Why Do We Fear Change? Reasons and Remedies
By Ahmad Amirali

Today, one of my office colleagues asked me about my first year when I started my teaching career. I told her that it was pretty remarkable because I was passionate and confused about this new journey. She added that I’d changed a lot since then in terms of my thinking and how I engage with people. I exclaimed, ‘really, you think so?’ and she said yes, I thought it would be tough for you. I laugh, but deep down, I question why it is tough for anyone to adopt change? It is because we love the old part of ourselves, or we simply afraid to change?

One of the reasons could be is we fear change because we can’t anticipate the outcome. However, staying the same can be riskier than keeps on changing according to the circumstances. Although we reject uncertainty, we have the skills to change and evolve. Fear is an emotion that gets in the way we lose clarity of our potential. Most of the time, our fear of change is based on stories both real and the ones we say to ourselves. We narrate our lives as if they are out of our control. We feel as we are playing a part someone else wrote for us. It is significant to know that our life is not a book written by others. Create your storyline. Most of the times we cannot control the outcomes but it doesn’t mean we don’t have the potential to lead our lives as we want. Continue reading “Why Do We Fear Change? Reasons and Remedies”