Tag: Online Classroom

Why Students’ Classroom Disengagement Is on The Rise?

The new way of hybrid learning has provided diverse opportunities for students to engage with the content, but many still struggle to be involved in the online classes.

Student engagement is always a matter of concern for teachers in any classroom context, but the pandemic is making it more challenging nowadays. In a physical classroom environment, teachers usually adjust the pace with attention to those slower moments when a lesson seems to drag on a bit. This makes teachers to create frequent transitions between topics by asking critical-thinking questions and seek out relevant resources. Resulting in making students to get excited about the topic. However, it seems simple to think and expect, but in a hybrid teaching environment, it is nearly impossible and challenging. The use of asynchronous methods means you can’t predict the pace of a lesson anymore. The lack of physicality makes movement more difficult. Continue reading “Why Students’ Classroom Disengagement Is on The Rise?”

11 Interactive Tools for Teaching in Virtual Learning Environment

11 Interactive Tools for Teaching in Virtual Learning Environment

In the outbreak of a contagious pandemic, online teaching and learning become the significant educational need of the time. To reduce social contact and the spread of Covid-19, education facilities around the world are moving their instruction online. However, this drastic change also brings new challenges for academia and teaching at large. The teaching in a virtual environment is way different than a four-walled classroom teaching. Collaborative and kinaesthetic activities that teachers usually include in their lesson plans do not work in a virtual classroom. According to a survey made in March 2020 by UIO, about 74% of teachers finds that the overall transition from traditional teaching to digitization is difficult or tough due to several challenges. The top among the list is technological challenges that include digital overload, pedagogical insecurity and learning new educational technologies. Continue reading “11 Interactive Tools for Teaching in Virtual Learning Environment”

The Best VLE Solution: Google Classroom – ‘How to Setup’ Guide for Teachers

The Best VLE Solution: Google Classroom – How to Setup Guide for Teachers

Recently, many teachers and colleagues asked me about the best Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) platforms that are presently available for us to connect with our students. Since the outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic, many schools and educational institutes are shifted to distant learning and technology suddenly become the only source of connectivity between teachers and students. Likewise, considering the need of the time, many VLE provider starts making necessary changes in the online modular platform and making it more user friendly. However, not every VLE platform can provide 100% classroom Learning Management System (LMS) solution. I already wrote an article that discusses some of these platforms that can be used to teach students remotely.

Also, Read | The Online Discussion Boards – A Classroom Pedagogical Tool | How to Use Guide | Pros & Cons

However, in this article, I am going to discuss one of the VLE/LMS platforms, if planned and implemented cohesively, can provide maximum learning and teaching solutions to teachers.

Google Classroom is a free web service, developed by Google for schools, that aims to simplify creating, distributing, and grading assignments in a paperless way. Initially, the primary purpose of Google Classroom is to streamline the process of sharing files between teachers and students. However, Google for Education has included several new features in the Google Classroom platform, including the function of Google Meet to interact with students in real-time in web conference mode.

This makes Google Classroom a unique platform compares to other products available like Piazza, Canvas or blackboard etc. This following guide will show you how to set up a Google Classroom in a matter of minutes and perform the main tasks.

Let’s get started! Continue reading “The Best VLE Solution: Google Classroom – ‘How to Setup’ Guide for Teachers”