Tag: Technology

Why Students’ Classroom Disengagement Is on The Rise?

The new way of hybrid learning has provided diverse opportunities for students to engage with the content, but many still struggle to be involved in the online classes.

Student engagement is always a matter of concern for teachers in any classroom context, but the pandemic is making it more challenging nowadays. In a physical classroom environment, teachers usually adjust the pace with attention to those slower moments when a lesson seems to drag on a bit. This makes teachers to create frequent transitions between topics by asking critical-thinking questions and seek out relevant resources. Resulting in making students to get excited about the topic. However, it seems simple to think and expect, but in a hybrid teaching environment, it is nearly impossible and challenging. The use of asynchronous methods means you can’t predict the pace of a lesson anymore. The lack of physicality makes movement more difficult. Continue reading “Why Students’ Classroom Disengagement Is on The Rise?”

5 More Ways to Use Social Media in Classrooms (Session 2)

5 More Ways to Use Social Media in Classrooms (Session 2)
By Ahmad Amirali

In my previous post, 5 Ways to Use Social Media in Classrooms (Session 1), I shared 5 ways through which I used social media to involve and engage my students with the lesson. In this post, I will share 5 more ideas of creative use of social media in the classroom. However, before discussing these ideas, I would like to share and answer some of the concerns my colleagues asked me about using social media in the classroom. Their queries helped me to understand better why some teachers feel reluctant to use technologies in their classrooms and believe me, this behaviour shows the level of vigilance and cautiousness teachers follow while planning their lessons.

Question 1: How the use of social media helped student’s participation?

Nowadays, social media now become an essential tool/activity for every individual, including our students. These platforms encourage students who do not usually participate actively in the classroom to participate in their own way. Continue reading “5 More Ways to Use Social Media in Classrooms (Session 2)”