Teaching Tools: Using Anchor Charts as an effective Teaching Strategy in Classroom

anchorchart_learnUsing Anchor Charts as an effective Teaching Strategy in Classroom
By Ahmad Amirali

Back in my school days, when teachers hardly use technology in their classrooms, charts and papers were the dominating part of any classroom activity. The demand for store-bought/readymade props and chart displayed materials were high, and mostly all educators use such ready and handy material in their classroom as per their lesson theme to save time. Nowadays, the emphasis has been made more on teacher-created classroom displayed materials. Therefore, being an educator, the term that frequently comes in my mind whenever I start planning to decorate my classroom for any lesson theme is: Anchor Charts.

What is Anchor Charts and how it affects my lessons?

Anchor charts is a strategy used to convey instructions and key messages during the classroom teaching without given verbal instructions. These Anchors can also be used as a classroom management strategy for students to monitor their behaviour by reminding themselves about the routine classroom expectations.

Implementation: The Anchor Charts can be used during Pre-loading task or activity and can be followed throughout the lesson (during and post) as a lesson reinforcement tool or strategy. As teacher conclude the lesson, the chart will then be placed on a wall where students conveniently access it later independently for follow-up or recap purposes. The Anchor Chart strategy is useful for visual learners and provides academic support to students with special needs. Another important advantage is these charts can be placed in the classroom throughout the term and can be used as a transition tool between units or chapters of the curriculum.

Examples of Anchor Charts


Classroom Management Charts

These type of charts help maintain classroom discipline and minimise the ‘i finish my work teacher, what do I do?’ blues in the classroom.

Picture Source: Teacher Trap


Charts to teach Manners and Valuesrespect

These charts keep reminding students throughout the term to be respectful every time with everyone. These charts can stick to the walls of the classroom all year long and play as basic norms reminder for the new and old batch of students.

Picture Source: One Less Headache

Point to Ponder: ‘Sharing is Caring’

If you love the idea, please it with your colleagues but first, make one Anchor chart for your classroom today and see whether it work for you as it works for me. share your colourful charts in below comments if it really works for you and helps others as well :).

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